What bride doesn’t dream of an exclusive Outdoor UAE wedding day, which will forever be remembered not only as a day of happiness and pure love but also as a wonderful holiday? The UAE in the Arab world has been at the top place of the most popular places for outdoor weddings for many years now.

Thousands of couples around the world love to fly here each year to make their marriage not just unforgettable, but entertaining.
Several even planners provide their service in organizing outdoor UAE wedding ceremonies because it’s not enough just to invite family and friends, you need proper guidance and permit. In this blog, we’ll share complete details with our readers!!!

Outdoor UAE Wedding

For A Perfect Outdoor UAE Wedding, Choosing the right Time and Venus is Extremely Important

Weather in the UAE plays a huge factor to consider when planning an outdoor marriage ceremony. The best and most suited season for comfortable temperatures is between Nov to Apr.

During these months, the weather and climate are cooler, making it the perfect choice for guests to celebrate outdoor wedding ceremonies.
In UAE, you can organize your wedding ceremony in several venues, including desert wedding venues, garden wedding locations, Yachts, and beachfront ceremonies, each place offering a unique and memorable experience.

Permits and Regulations For Organizing Outdoor UAE Wedding Ceremony

For any outdoor marriage ceremony in Dubai, an event Outdoor wedding permits from DTCM (Dubai Tourism & Commerce Marketing) is essential as per GOVT decree no. 25/2013.

This applies to many types of events, including wedding ceremonies. You have to apply for a Outdoor UAE wedding permits through the e-Permit platform and the processing period for a permit application is normally around 5 to 8 working days.

To get a permit you’ve to pay a fee, and it is depended on the type of event and activities involved. If your marriage ceremony involves recurring entertainment at venues like restaurants, malls, and hotels, you might an activity permit that can cover up to 3 months of the event.

Legal Information for an Outdoor UAE Wedding Ceremony

To get married in UAE, there’re several requirements you’ve to meet:

  • Approval of a bride
  • Valid passports and copies
  • Emirates ID cards
  • Visa Status
  • Residence Visa or either the bride or the groom or the bride’s guardian.
  • Pre-marital health screen documents

There’re different laws for Muslin and Non-Muslim wedding ceremonies in UAE –

Muslim Wedding Ceremonies

They must be organized at the UAE Sharia Court or via authorized marriage officers and follow Sharia law. Applications for wedding contracts and fees must be done beforehand. The groom, bride, and father of the bride and 2 Muslim witnesses must be present at the marriage ceremony.

Non-Muslim Wedding Ceremonies

Non-Muslim couples have to register at their relevant embassies in their home state and make sure couples meet the specific requirements and obtain the relevant papers to get married in UAE. All this needs to be approved by the UAE officials.

Steps to Organize Outdoor UAE Wedding Ceremony

Now that you are getting a feel for venues, potential dates/times for your wedding event, and how to sort out the legal matters, here’re a quick checklist for you to refer to so that you can plan a perfect marriage in UAE.

Outdoor UAE Wedding
Outdoor UAE Wedding

Steps to Organize Outdoor UAE Wedding Ceremony

Now that you are getting a feel for venues, potential dates/times for your wedding event, and how to sort out the legal matters, here’re a quick checklist for you to refer to so that you can plan a perfect marriage in UAE.

UAE Wedding Checklist

12 to 18 months before the wedding day

  • Plan your event budget – Decide how much you want to invest overall and factor in expenses such as your accommodation and travel, venue of the event, videographers and photographers, catering, entertainment, etc.
  • Pick your location, venue, and date for the event. Consider this with your budget, the number of guests you want in the event, and the theme of the wedding you want.
  • Organize guest list – Write down who you want to be there on the wedding day and consider your venue and all the travel arrangements – people are coming from afar so be certain that it is people you want to be there at your event and it is viable for them to get there.
  • Book travel/accommodation – Once the ball is rolling and you’ve a date and venue secure and your guests know about the marriage ceremony, it is time to book travel/ accommodation – will you stay at the venue you are wedding at, or if you are getting married on the beach or desert will you stay at? If flying, ensure you’ve booked your flights to arrive 2-3 days before and get transfers booked to your place.
  • Plan your wedding ceremony – a time when the ceremony will be statured? What decor do you want? What drinks and food do you want in the event? Will you’ve an all-inclusive package or find professional local vendors? What entertainment and music will you’ve? What attire do you want in the event? These are important things you should consider when planning a dream outdoor wedding in UAE.

12 Months before the wedding ceremony

  • Purchase your wedding accessories, wedding dress attire, and gifts for the bride
  • Research and book appointments with hair and makeup experts
  • Confirm all the transport arrangements during the stay
  • Prepare a welcome pack for your wedding guests with info about the area
  • Start clearing all the legal matters and documents

6 months before your wedding ceremony

  • Confirm the final guest list
  • Purchase decor and flowers for the reception and ceremony
  • Confirm catering services
  • Plan pre/ post-wedding activities

1 month before your wedding ceremony

  • Make your packing list and start packing what you need on that day
  • Get all the treatments done
  • Finalize every detail with vendors

Wrap Up…

An outdoor UAE wedding ceremony can be a memorable and magical event with the proper planning and consideration.

By choosing the right venue and date, ensuring guest comfort, adhering to lawful requirements, and choosing the right decoration, catering attire, and proper entertainment, your outdoor UAE wedding will be nothing short of perfection.

Keep in mind to consider professional help to navigate the planning procedure and wedding budget to make your every dream become a reality.

Have Questions?

Let one of our UAE Marriage Specialist assist you.

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